cruise ship interiors 2024 registration miami

Learn, Source, and Network at CSI Design Expo Americas 2024

CSI Design Expo Americas (CSI) has opened registration, inviting cruise lines, shipyards, design studios, outfitters, and suppliers to Miami to take part in the region’s only event dedicated to cruise ship interior design.

CSI has created a schedule of content for the pioneers of cruise interiors, featuring an all-new Attractions & Entertainment Technology Zone, insightful talks on the topic of guest experience, plus a full slate of bespoke networking events.

CSI will take place June 6–7th at the Miami Beach Convention Center. The co-located event Hotel & Resort Design South will also return, welcoming all those involved in the design of world-class hotels, resorts, and private island destinations in the South and LATAM. Attendees of both shows traveling from around the globe can take advantage of the timing and cap their trip with a weekend in Miami.

With a marketplace of product discovery, attendees can explore a show floor filled with 250 exhibiting design studios, outfitters, and interior suppliers. Marine Interiors, Akula Living, Aros Marine, Belbien Architectural Finishes, SMC Design, and YSA Design will be present to show off their latest work, alongside product launches and live demonstrations.

The Attractions & Entertainment Technology Zone will host exhibitors such as DOF Robotics, Art Attack FX, Greenspan, and more, allowing cruise brands keen to be at the forefront of this new wave of cutting-edge guest experience to discuss their vision with specialists.

This year, there’s more to do at CSI than ever before. The program of events is designed to benefit every member of the cruise interiors community, from creatives looking for answers to the questions surrounding the role AI can—or should—play in their workflow, to product managers looking to update their company’s materials library and procurement specialists looking for bespoke solutions to their team’s big design challenges.

The itinerary includes conferences, workshops, Meet the Brand Q&As, sector-specific lunches, and speed networking sessions tailored to everyone from big picture thinkers, who are constantly honing their company’s strategic edge, to the movers and shakers for whom networking is the lifeblood of the business.

Register for your two-day pass to CSI and HRDS.

About CSI

CSI provides a gateway for the cruise interiors supply chain to meet with the most esteemed cruise lines, designers, and shipyards. For more information on CSI, contact senior marketing manager Olivia Irving at [email protected].

Photos courtesy of CSI; this article is presented as part of a partnership agreement between CSI and BDNY.

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