KBK To The Trade in San Antonio aims to grow by expanding service levels

KBK To The Trade made the transition from covering walls to the outside — and that’s made the difference for San Antonio-area designers.

KBK President Bobby Kremer says the family-owned business started out in 1981, primarily selling commercial wall coverings. By 1990, it had moved over to add residential wall coverings, fabrics, case goods and outdoor to the trade only, from a 12,000-square-foot showroom.

“Our primary plan for 2024 is to expand our service levels and reach a broader audience in south-central Texas,” says Kremer.

KBK’s value comes from its process as much as from the furnishings it offers. Visitors to the website learn about how orders proceed from ideation and research, to sampling and sourcing, through orders, customization and consultation meetings, all while taking advantage of the collective knowledge and team approach to assisting clients.

Every step, from idea through delivery, is outlined.

Similarly, that organized approach to client service is what makes KBK tick.

“The most important element in expanding our business is a continuing effort to improve our services and communication for our clients and our suppliers,” says Kremer. “In our opinion, the biggest challenge is e-commerce. To meet this challenge, we will offer our clients the opportunity to compete with the online sellers, and provide services such as receiving and delivery.”

Kremer says that if there is a slowdown, the company will focus its efforts on monitoring its expenses, while maintaining its levels of performance and service.

“We are preparing new programs with one objective, to help our clients save money,” he says.

Those suppliers hoping to get their foot in the door at KBK must first have both a reputation for quality and a customer service department that resolves problems without continued delays.

To get the word out about its services, Kremer says that the company continually reviews its website to determine how it can best reach its trade audience with its message.

“KBK emphasizes that our business model is to help our clients make money in the very competitive home décor market,” says Kremer. “Retailers do not compete with KBK — our client competes with retailers. It is her decision as to what price she will resell.”

That success is important to the outdoor industry.

“It is my opinion that the future growth of home décor is the success of the interior designer,” says Kremer. “Presented with the resources and services, she can compete and make a living selling outdoor products.”

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